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2024-2025 Carol & George Lattimer Award
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Carol & George Lattimer Award for Graduate Excellence math major recipient, Sawyer Robertson!
March 17, 2025
Math PhD Students Featured in UCSD Student Spotlights
Two of our remarkable PhD students have been selected for inclusion in the Student Spotlight section of the Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs website. Lillian McPherson, a student in algebraic geometry with Elham Izadi and Sawyer Robertson, a student in applied graph theory with Alex Cloninger, were chosen to represent the Math department in this year's Spotlight. Be sure to check out their profiles, and those of students from across the university, here.
November 20, 2024
2023-24 TA Awards
The Mathematics department is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023-24 TA Awards
- Soumya Ganguly - noted for the overall outstanding quality of his teaching and exceptional sense of responsibility, both inside and outside the classroom.
- JJ Garzella - commended for his work ethic and leadership in Math 100A, and for his initiative and dedication in the organization of a reading course on commutative algebra
- Gregory Patchell - praised for his command over the course material in the Math 180 sequence and his ability to communicate ideas at any level of sophistication that is demanded from students.
Please join us in celebrating this year's awardees!
July 1, 2024
Math PhD Receives 2024 Chancellor's Dissertation Medal
Brian Kha Tran has been announced as the School of Physical Sciences recipient of the 2024 Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal. This award, established in Spring 2013, recognizes exceptional doctoral research. Recipients of this award are chosen based upon the quality of academic research as determined by the impact of the research to the field and/or department; the insight, originality and creativity shown by the author; the effectiveness of the writing, clarity and organization of the thesis; and the soundness of the methodology and quality of the data.
Brian's dissertation was "Geometric Variational Integrators for Multisymplectic PDEs and Adjoint Systems." His doctoral advisor was Professor Melvin Leok.
June 12, 2024
Directed Reading Program in Mathematics
The Directed Reading Program in Mathematics pairs undergraduate participants with graduate student mentors to read a selected math text/paper. It is designed to give undergraduates the ability to explore topics they might not see in the standard curriculum in a fun and stress-free environment.
Aimed at UCSD undergraduate Mathematics majors, the program could be suitable for undergraduates from any major who would like to further explore the field - applicants must have completed (or be in the process of taking) one of the Math 100/200, 220, or 140/240 series.
For more information, please go to the DRP website
February 14, 2024
Congratulations to Hui Tan in receiving the Carol & George Lattimer Award
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Carol & George Lattimer Award for Graduate Excellence math major recipient, Hui Tan!
January 4, 2024
Congratulations to Zhouli Xu as a recent recipient of the Frontiers of Science Awards
Congratulations to Zhouli Xu as a recent recipient of the Frontiers of Science Awards at the Inaugural International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) Conference. Read more.
July 20, 2023
2022-23 TA Awards
The Mathematics department is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022-23 TA Awards
- David Cavender - commended for his passion for teaching and concern for students as he took an active role in the courses he TA'd
- Varun Khurana - singled out for his dedication in developing real-world projects for students in Math 102
- Richard Yi - nominated for his compassion, knowledge and organization; making countless worksheets and topic summaries for students in Math 109 and 154
- Wei Yin - was recommended for his ability to lead students towards a deeper appreciation of the beauty of Algebraic Number Theory
Please join us in celebrating this year's awardees!
July 7, 2023
2022-23 Powell Dissertation Awards
After review of the many applications, the Graduate Awards Committee congratulates the following three PhD students on being named recipients of the Powell Dissertation Award:
Rusiru Gambheera Arachchige (Advisor: Cristian Popescu)
Shubham Sinha (Advisor: Dragos Oprea)
Brian Tran (Advisor: Melvin Leok)
June 12, 2023
Statistics Student Recognized as Peer Mentor
Congratulations to Statistics MS student Teresa Rexin for being honored with the 2023 Outstanding Peer Mentor Award from the UC San Diego Graduate & Professional Student Association. Part of the Mentorship Committee with the Association for Women in Mathematics, Teresa serves as a source of advice and wisdom to her colleagues. Her willingness and ability to advise her fellow students on all issues of graduate life has greatly enhanced the experience of students in the Mathematics department. Teresa will join other GPSA awardees at a ceremony on Thursday, May 18, 2023.
May 11, 2023