Tue, Apr 30 2024
  • 11:00 am
    Dr. Pawel Kasprzak - University of Warsaw, Poland
    Quantum Mycielski Graphs

    Math 243, Functional Analysis

    Zoom (meeting ID:  94246284235)

    Quantum graphs and their characteristics are intriguing generalizations of notions and tools known from discrete mathematics into the quantum world. Their non-trivial relations with quantum information theory provide a bridge between this branch of mathematics and quantum mechanics. In classical graph theory, there are several characteristics that one can associate with given graphs, e.g., chromatic or clique numbers. The famous problem, solved by Mycielski, was to construct a graph that contains a given graph as a subgraph and can have an arbitrarily large chromatic number, but no larger clique is produced. We propose an analog of the Mycielski transformation and its generalizations in the quantum setting and study how they affect the (quantum) characteristics of quantum graphs. Moreover we study relations between quantum automorphism groups of a quantum graph and its Mycielskian. Based on joint work with A. Bochniak (arXiv:2306.09994) and work in progress with A. Bochniak, P.M. Sołtan, and I. Chełstowski.

Thu, May 2 2024
  • 10:00 am
    Albert Artiles Calix - University of Washington
    Statistics of Minimal Denominators and Short Holonomy Vectors of Translation Surfaces

    Math 211B - Group Actions Seminar

     Zoom ID 967 4109 3409

    This talk will explore the connection between Diophantine approximation and the theory of homogeneous dynamics. The first part of the talk will be used to define and study the minimal denominator function (MDF). We compute the limiting distribution of the MDF as one of its parameters tends to zero. We do this by relating the function to the space of unimodular lattices on the plane.

    The second part of the talk will be devoted to describing equivariant processes. This will give a general framework to generalize the main theorem in two directions:

    1. Higher dimensional Diophantine approximation

    2. Statistics of short saddle connections of Veech surfaces

    If time allows, we will compute formulas for the statistics of short holonomy vectors of translation surfaces.

  • 11:00 am
    Zichao Wang - UCSD
    Nonlinear spiked covariance matrices and signal propagation in neural network models

    Math 288 - Probability and Statistics

    In this talk, we will discuss recent work on the extreme eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix with a spiked population covariance. Extending previous random matrix theory, we will characterize the spiked eigenvalues outside the bulk distribution and their corresponding eigenvectors for a nonlinear version of the spiked covariance model. Our result shows the universality of the spiked covariance model with the same quantitative spectral properties as a linear spiked covariance model. In the proof, we will present a deterministic equivalent for the Stieltjes transform for any spectral argument separated from the support of the limit spectral measure. Then, we will apply this new result to deep neural network models. We will describe how spiked eigenstructure in the input data propagates through the hidden layers of a neural network with random weights. As a second application, we can study a simple regime where the weight matrix has a rank-one signal component over gradient descent training and characterize the alignment of the target function. This is a joint work with Denny Wu and Zhou Fan.

  • 3:00 pm
    Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli - UCSD
    Sequential commutation

    Postdoc Seminar

    APM 5829

    I will discuss a new conceptual framework called sequential commutation that has applications to von Neumann algebra theory. These focus on joint works by the speaker and others including Patchell, Gao and Tan. 

  • 4:00 pm
    Prof. Weng Kee Wong - UCLA
    Using Animal Instincts to Find Optimal Designs for Early Phase Clinical Trials

    Math 295 - Colloquium

    APM 6402

    Nature-inspired metaheuristics is widely used in computer science and engineering but seems greatly underused in pharmaceutical research, clinical science research, and somewhat in statistical science as well. This class of algorithms is appealing because they are essentially assumptions free, fast and have been shown that they are capable of tackling all sorts of high dimensional complex optimization problems. We first review optimal design theory, some exemplary nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms and show how they can be applied to (i) find efficient designs for estimating the Biologically Optimal Dose (BOD), (ii) extend Simon’s 2 stage designs for a Phase II trial with a single alternative hypothesis to one with multiple alternative hypotheses to capture the uncertainty of the efficacy of the drug more accurately, and if time permits  (iii) find a D-optimal designs for  estimating parameters in  10 interacting factors. We also indicate how metaheuristics can be applied to develop more realistic and flexible adaptive designs for early phase clinical trials.  

Mon, May 6 2024
  • 3:00 pm
    Prof. Keivan Mallahi-Karai - Constructor University
    A Central limit theorem for random walks on horospherical products of Gromov hyperbolic spaces

    Math 211A - Algebra Seminar

    APM 7321

    Let \(G\) be a countable group acting by isometries on a metric space \((M, d)\), and let \(\mu\) denote a probability measure on \(G\). The \(\mu\)-random walk on \(M\) is the random process defined by 

    \[Z_n=X_n \dots X_1 o,\]  
    where \(o \in M\) is a fixed base point, and \(X_i\) are independent \(\mu\)-distributed random variables. 

    Studying statistical properties of the displacement sequence \(D_n:= d(Z_n, o)\) has been a topic of current research. 

    In this talk, which is based on a joint work with Amin Bahmanian, Behrang Forghani, and Ilya Gekhtman, I will discuss a central limit theorem for \(D_n\) in the case that \(M\) is the horospherical product of Gromov hyperbolic spaces. 

Tue, May 7 2024
  • 11:00 am
    Patrick Hiatt - UCLA
    On the Singular Abelian Rank of Ultraproduct II$_1$ Factors

    Functional Analysis Seminar (Math 243)

    APM 7218

    I will present some recent joint work with Sorin Popa where we show that, under the continuum hypotheses, any ultraproduct II$_1$ factor contains more than continuum many mutually disjoint singular MASAs. In other words, the singular abelian rank of any ultraproduct II$_1$ factor $M$, $\text{r}(M)$, is larger than $\mathfrak{c}$. Moreover, if the strong continuum hypothesis $2^\mathfrak{c}=\aleph_2$ is assumed, then $\text{r}(M) = 2^\mathfrak{c}$. More generally, these results hold true for any II$_1$ factor $M$ with unitary group of cardinality $\mathfrak{c}$ that satisfies the bicommutant condition $(A_0'\cap M)'\cap M=M$, for all $A_0\subset M$ separable abelian.

  • 4:00 pm
    Víctor Rivero - Center of Research in Mathematics, Guanajuato, Mexico
    An excursion from self-similar Markov processes to Markov additive processes

    2024 Ronald K. Getoor Distinguished Lecture

    AP&M 6402

    In stochastic modeling we often need to deal with one of two apparently unrelated objects. One is self-similar processes and the other is additive functionals. Self-similar Markov processes are the class of Markovian models that arise as scaling limits of stochastic processes, that are obtained after renormalization of time and space. Additive functionals arise commonly when one considers, for instance, rewards associated to a Markovian model. 

    On the one hand, the so-called Lamperti transform ensures that any $R^d$-valued self-similar Markov process admits a polar decomposition, and the argument and the radius of the process are related to a Markov additive process via an explicit time change. On the other hand, any additive functional A of a Markov process X is such that the pair (A, X) is a Markov additive process. A Markov additive process (MAP) is a stochastic process with two components: one that is additive, and real valued, the ordinator, and a general one, the modulator, that rules the behavior of the ordinator. The ordinator has independent and stationary increments, given the modulator. This general structure emulates the structure of processes with independent and stationary increments, Levy processes, as for instance Brownian motion, Cauchy and stable processes, Gamma processes, etc. 

    In general, it is too ambitious to try to determine explicitly the whole law of a self-similar Markov process or of an additive functional. But we can aim at understanding properties of the extremes of these processes and to be ready for the best and worst scenarios. In the fluctuation theory of Markov additive processes we aim at developing tools for studying the extremes of the additive part, ordinator, of the process. This has been done in a systematic way during the last four decades under the assumption that the modulator is a constant process, and hence the ordinator is a real valued Levy process. Also, in the 1980-90 period, some foundations were laid to develop a fluctuation theory for MAPs in a general setting.   

    In this talk we aim at giving a brief overview of the fluctuation theory of Markov additive processes, to describe some recent results and to provide some applications to the theory of self-similar Markov processes. These applications are mainly related to stable processes, a class of processes that arises often in mathematical physics, potential and harmonic analysis, and in other areas of mathematics. We aim at making this overview accessible to graduate and advanced undergraduate students, with some knowledge of Markov chains and Levy processes, and to point out at some open research questions.

Tue, May 14 2024
  • 11:00 am
    Aldo Garciaguinto - Michigan State University
    Schreier's Formula for some Free Probability Invariants

    Math 243, Functional Analysis

    APM 7218 and Zoom (meeting ID:  94246284235)

    Let $G\stackrel{\alpha}{\curvearrowright}(M,\tau)$ be a trace-preserving action of a finite group $G$ on a tracial von Neumann algebra. Suppose that $A \subset M$ is a finitely generated unital $*$-subalgebra which is globally invariant under $\alpha$. We give a formula relating the von Neumann dimension of the space of derivations on $A$ valued on its coarse bimodule to the von Neumann dimension of the space of derivations on $A \rtimes^{\text{alg}}_\alpha G$ valued on its coarse bimodule, which is reminiscent of Schreier's formula for finite index subgroups of free groups. This formula induces a formula for $\dim \text{Der}_c(A,\tau)$ (defined by Shlyakhtenko) and under the assumption that $G$ is abelian we obtain the formula for $\Delta$ (defined by Connes and Shlyakhtenko). These quantities and the free entropy dimension quantities agree on a large class of examples, and so by combining these results with known inequalities, one can expand the family of examples for which the quantities agree.

Thu, May 16 2024
  • 4:00 pm
    Paul K. Newton - University of Southern California
    Control of evolutionary mean field games and tumor cell population models

    UCSD Mathematics Colloquium/MathBio Seminar

    APM 6402

    Mean field games are played by populations of competing agents who derive their update rules by comparing their own state variable with that of the mean field. After a brief introduction to several areas where they have been used recently, we will focus on models of competing tumor cell populations based on the replicator dynamics mean field evolutionary game with prisoner’s dilemma payoff matrix. We use optimal and adaptive control theory on both deterministic and stochastic versions of these models to design multi-drug chemotherapy schedules that suppress the competitive release of resistant cell populations (to avoid chemo-resistance) by maximizing the Shannon diversity of the competing subpopulations. The models can be extended to networks where spatial connectivity can influence optimal chemotherapy scheduling. 

Mon, May 20 2024
  • 10:45 am
    Ji Zeng
    Variation of no-three-in-line problem

    PhD Defense

    APM 7218

    The famous no-three-in-line problem by Dudeney more than a century ago asks whether one can select 2n points from the grid $[n]^2$ such that no three are collinear. We present two results related to this problem. First, we give a non-trivial upper bound for the maximum size of a set in $[n]^4$ such that no four are coplanar. Second, we characterize the behavior of the maximum size of a subset such that no three are collinear in a random set of $\mathbb{F}_q^2$, that is, the plane over the finite field of order q. We discuss their proofs and related open problems.

Tue, May 21 2024
  • 2:00 pm
    Prof. Michael Molloy - University of Toronto
    The degree-restricted random process is far from uniform

    Math 269 - Combinatorics

    APM 7321

    Suppose you wish to generate a random graph on vertices $v_1, ..., v_n$ where the degree of each $v_i$ is specified to be $d_i$. Perhaps the most natural approach is: Repeatedly  add an edge joining two vertices chosen uniformly from all non-adjacent pairs that are not yet full (i.e. whose current degrees are less than their specified degrees).

    The graph we obtain is not distributed uniformly amongst all graphs with the specified degree sequence (except for some trivial sequences). But is the distribution close to uniform in the sense that every property which holds with high probability in one model holds with high probability in the other?

    We answer that question in the negative for bounded degree sequences that are not regular or close to regular.

    This is joint work with Erlang Surya and Lutz Warnke; see arXiv:2211.00835

Thu, May 23 2024
  • 10:00 am
    Josh Bowman

    Math 211B - Group Actions Seminar

    APM 7321 and Zoom ID 967 4109 3409
    (password: dynamics)

Thu, May 30 2024
  • 10:00 am
    Carlos Ospina

    Math 211B - Group Actions Seminar

    APM 7321 and Zoom ID 967 4109 3409
    (password: dynamics)