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All majors must obtain a minimum 2.0 grade point average in the upper-division courses used to satisfy the major requirements. Further, the student must receive a grade of C– or better in any course to be counted toward fulfillment of the major requirements. MATH 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, and 199H cannot be used toward any mathematics major. All courses used to fulfill the major must be taken for a letter grade. No more than three upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward any major. Special exceptions may be considered via petition.

(MA32) Mathematics-Secondary Education B.A.

B.A. effective Fall 1997.

Faculty advisor: Guershon Harel

This major is partial preparation for teaching mathematics at the secondary school level. (To learn about various paths for earning a California teaching credential and teaching in California high schools, contact the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, or the UC San Diego Department of Education Studies.) Students take introductory courses in number theory, history of mathematics, mathematical computing, statistics/probability, geometry, abstract algebra, and real analysis. Although a student in this major COULD attempt to embark on a career path outside of lower level academia, that might be difficult to successfully accomplish given the name of the major and associated perceptions.

Note: Mathematics-Secondary Education Majors cannot declare a Minor in Mathematics Education (EDS).